Environment and Sustainability
Our Policy Principals
At Rapid Fulfillment Services we’re committed to promoting good sustainability practice and to minimising the environmental impact of all our operations, following these principals:
We will – comply with and where practicable exceeding all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
We will – give full consideration of a sustainability an environmental impact agenda in all business related decisions.
We will – ensure all RFS team members are aware of the businesses commitment and that they actively participate in implementing and improving policy.
We will – minimise the impact of all warehouse and office activities.
We will – minimise the impact of RFS team business travel and travel to the workplace.
We will – ensure environmental impact/sustainability is an agenda item at all leadership meetings.
We will – make available to all our customers an environmentally sustainable packaging materials.
Transport and Travel
We encourage all team members to walk, cycle or use public or shared transport to the workplace. Our target is less than 25% single occupation car usage.
Business travel is kept only to journeys, which are considered essential by the leadership team. Skype and conference calls are our preferred methods for client and supplier communications.
Where business travel is essential, public transport such as rail travel is the first consideration over private car/air travel.
Leadership team members are encouraged to work remotely where practical, to avoid un-necessary travel and are provided with equipment and remote access to systems to enable this.
Office & Warehouse Equipment
We minimise the use of paper and office consumables. Internal systems encourage file sharing on line reducing the requirement to print documentation. Client quotes, presentations, contracts and invoicing are transmitted digitally reducing the requirement to print hard copies, limiting use of print cartridges and paper.
Office and warehouse waste is recycled, with a card recycling facility kept permanently on site and collected weekly.
On replacing equipment and lighting within offices or warehouse, low energy products are given preference.